Configure Account Lockout Policy Settings for an Organization

You can configure the system to lock a user's account if there have been an excessive number of failed login attempts. A large number of failed login attempts may indicate that there has been an attempt to breach system security.

When a user's account has become locked due to excessive login attempts, Proliance can be configured to unlock a user's account after a certain period of time has passed. This measure is used to deter brute force hacking attempts while still allowing users to eventually log in.

To configure account lockout policy

  1. In the Organization work area, in the left menu, click Administration > Configuration > Security > Password Policy.
  2. The Password Policy page displays.

  3. On the Password Policy page, under Password Policy, click Edit...
  4. The Password Policy Management page displays.

  5. On the Password Policy page, in the Account Lockout Policy area, modify the following fields:
  6. Number of Consecutive Failed Logins. To enforce a restriction on failed logins, clear the Unlimited failed login allowed check box and then enter the maximum number of failed login attempts before the account is locked in the attempts before account locked field. A locked-out account can not be used until it is reset by an administrator or until the lockout duration for the account has expired. You can set a value between zero and 999 failed logon attempts.

    Select Unlimited failed login allowed to allow an unlimited number of failed login attempts.

    Account Lockout Duration. To automatically unlock an account that has been locked due to excessive failed login attempts, clear the Account must be unlocked manually check box and then in the minutes field, enter the number minutes that must pass before the account is unlocked. The available range is from zero minutes to 99,999 minutes. If you set the account lockout duration to zero, the account will be locked out until an administrator explicitly unlocks it on the user's behalf.

    Select Account must be unlocked manually to require that only administrators be able to unlock accounts that have been locked due to failed login attempts.

  7. Click Apply Changes.